Weddings - All You Need To Know
What is marriage?
Marriage is the solemnisation (official recognition) of
a loving relationship, and a sign that this relationship
is blessed by God.
What happens at a wedding?
The details of any service will differ from church to
church – and even between services in the same
church– but the couple will always declare that they
are eligible to marry each other, and will promise to
love and stay faithful to each other for the rest of their
lives. They are blessed by the priest and the marriage
isformally completed with the words “Those whom
God has joined together let no one put asunder”.
Why bother with marriage?
The Church teaches that marriage is the right environment for a loving relationship, and the upbringing of children. It allows the couple to make a public statement of their commitment to each other, and is a potent symbol of their bodily union.
Wedding Costs
CLICK HERE for a list of wedding costs
Whom do we contact to arrange the wedding?
Fr. Nicholas is responsible for organizing the service. Click here, for details of how to contact him. Do contact him with any questions you may have. He will be happy to meet with you to discussing details.